July 4 2021: The Technology Finding Unmarked Graves & "Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe"
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Dr. Terence Clark: The Technology Finding Unmarked Graves

Technology is enabling the discovery of unmarked graves of indigenous children on sites of former residential schools. The system is called ground penetrating radar and it is also used extensively in the construction industry. Dr. Terence Clark of the University of Saskatchewan is a practitioner and he tells Libby Znaimer that locating these burial grounds involves art as well as science.

Niall Ferguson: “Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe”

How does our response to COVID-19 compare to the way other catastrophes have been handled through the ages? Why have some countries been so much more successful at controlling the pandemic? Historian Niall Ferguson tackles these questions in his latest book “Doom: the Politics of Catastrophe.” Libby reached him in London.

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