Mar 08, 2024

By Jane Brown

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Ahead of Friday’s International Women’s Day, Liberal, Green Party and Independent women MPPs at Queen’s Park have been granted time to speak about the day in the Ontario Legislature.

Their request was initially turned down on Wednesday by Government House Leader Paul Calandra, but after an outcry against the moving, including from the opposition New Democrats, the Ford Progressive Conservatives backed off on denying the women the opportunity to speak.

Each of the MPPs spoke Thursday afternoon in the house since the legislature is not sitting Friday.

Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie is without a seat on the Ontario Legislature but told The Morning Zoom with Sam and Jane who is her inspiration on this International Women’s Day.

“My grandmother, if she had been born today, would be the CEO of some company, my mother who was nurturing and loving, but always pushed me. She’s my rock but she’s also my biggest critic,” Crombie explained, “There are strong women all around me like Hazel McCallion. She was a force of nature, she was the hurricane, and just being by her side and learning from that woman!”

Listen to Bonnie’s full conversation with Sam and Jane by clicking here.

Meantime, the constitution of Ireland says a woman’s place is in the home, but that could change depending on the outcome of Friday’s referendum.

The vote on removing two passages in the 87-year-old document that the government says are outdated and sexist falls on International Women’s Day.

Opinion polls suggest support for the “yes” side on both votes, but many voters remain undecided, and turnout may be low.

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