Oct 17, 2023

By Jane Brown

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The mother of a young Israeli woman held by Hamas has appealed for her release, calling the seizure of some 200 hostages by the terrorist group “a crime against humanity.”

Hamas has released a video showing a dazed Mia Schem, a 21 year old French Israeli woman, her arm wrapped with bandages. She identifies herself and asks to be returned to her family as quickly as possible.

It is the first sign of life from any of the hostages since Hamas smashed through the border fortifications around Gaza on October 7th, killing more than 1400 people in Israel.

Her mother, Keren Schem, says she did not know until Monday whether her daughter was dead or alive.

Canada’s prime minister is demanding that Hamas immediately release all of the hostages in Gaza, which he says may include at least three missing Canadians.

“Hamas continues to commit unspeakable atrocities and are trying to instigate further acts of violence against Jewish people,” Trudeau told parliament on Monday.

Trudeau’s call for the terrorist group to release its captives comes as the Opposition Conservatives warn the prime minister against calling for a ceasefire because the group poses an existential threat to Israel.

At Queen’s Park, the Doug Ford PCs are calling for the legislature to censure NDP MPP Sarah Jama, saying they are not satisfied with her apology last week for a controversial post on the Israel-Hamas war.

If passed, the censure motion would block Jama from asking questions of Premier Doug Ford and his cabinet ministers in the daily question period.

NDP Leader Marit Stiles says as far as she’s concerned, the matter is closed.

“She did apologize, she did very clearly, unequivocally call out Hamas and for their attack on Israeli civilians and the violence and she a hundred percent reaffirmed and committed to our federal party position and I don’t see what really more they could want than that,” Stiles explained to reporters on Monday.

Stiles added her party will always condemn anti-semitism, Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian attacks.

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